Scar tissues, arising from trauma, surgical interventions, and skin issues, are aesthetic concerns. Mesotherapy is an aesthetic application method used to alleviate the appearance of scars and reduce tissue irregularities in the skin. Mesotherapy for scar treatments aims to promote tissue regeneration in the skin and make the scar less noticeable. Here’s what you need to know about these applications:
- Definition and Overview: Mesotherapy is an aesthetic application method that involves injecting a special mixture under the skin. This mixture is formulated specifically to alleviate the appearance of scars and correct tissue irregularities.
- Application Method: During mesotherapy, a nourishing mixture is injected onto or around the scar tissue. This mixture promotes skin regeneration, helping the scar become less noticeable.
- Purpose and Benefits: The aim of mesotherapy for scar treatment is to reduce the appearance of the scar and achieve smoother skin. It can also correct the color and texture differences of the scar.
- Results and Duration of Effect: The effects of mesotherapy can vary from person to person, but are generally noticeable within a few weeks to a few months. The type and severity of the scar may require multiple sessions.
- Ideal Users: Mesotherapy for scar treatment is suitable for individuals wanting to address past scar tissues or skin irregularities.
Process Steps
The given procedure durations are for information purposes only. Our specialists offer personalised treatments.
Request a free preliminary consultation with our expert consultants for diagnosis and treatment.

Duration of Operation
20 Minutes

Sensitivity Duration
4 Hours

Local Anesthetic Cream

Recovery Time
1 Hour

Effect Duration
Near-total improvement

Number of Sessions
1-3 Sessions
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